Tag Archives: Sexual Harassment

On Pet Tigers And Sexual Assault

It is terrifying to wonder if your own sexual interest was ever seen as too aggressive, if you missed the cues that she wasn’t interested, if it’s going to come back to haunt you years later. I myself have had a brush with this very situation.

It’s scary. It absolutely is.

Well, as real a fear as this might be, I realize now that it entirely misses one key detail — a detail that changes the entire way men should be responding to this …

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I’m A Man, And I Was Sexually Harassed

The only thought that came to mind was, “How do I tell this woman that I don’t want to sleep with her?”

I think I rambled on about how it would be inappropriate, since she was married with kids. As a man, I never imagined that I would be sexually harassed by a woman, and that left me with no idea how to respond. How could this even have happened? Aren’t men the ones who do the sexual harassing? Wasn’t I the one who was supposed to want sex?

Sure, I wanted sex. Just not with her.

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